Thursday, November 20, 2008

Living-- eh?

What is living? Really living?
I was asked a question by a former Bishop lately that provoked my thoughts. “When are you going to start living Lauran?” I laughed at his remark and said, “Bishop! I am living!” Of course this good man was asking about my dating situations and was prying at my mind of why I’m a single woman here at BYU-Idaho. But I found his question quite interesting.
Whether being a student, teacher; friend, employee or any other walk of life that we find ourselves- are we living? Really living? Do we find ourselves complacent and neutral at times? Like a ship in a whirlpool…full of use, but staying in the same spinning motion. Sure we all have ruts, but what drives a person into the spinning motion? Or could it possibly be that the ship has no idea that it is even spinning until the dizziness happens! That the need for change is rooted deep down within us, and is pressed upon with the prodding’s of the spirit- if we can but listen. That something drastic or silent must be said, done or directed to us in order to provoke change.
Change can come in all forms of direction. But mainly it derives from two choices.
1- Desire
2- Faith
I’ve seen individuals that have a desire to change and become a new and living creature in Christ, but lack the faith of their own divine knowledge of whom they really are. Therefore they become as a seed that was cast among stony ground and eventually wither or are eaten be the viperous birds that prey upon souls. When one has the faith to change hopefully they have the desire as well! But sometimes the case isn’t so. Whereas from past experiences with certain individuals I have found that their faith was strong; but they lacked the desire for change. They were too caught up in the joy of spinning and desired to shoot off into another direction.
Though when faith and desire are pressed together wonderful works can be seen and felt. Enos had a remarkable experience. His soul hungered and he was full of desire and faith that he could change. That his sins could be forgiven and that God would not and could not lie to him. His great desire led to faith- which led to making him whole.
The story doesn’t stop there. In fact this is where Enos begins to live for Jesus Christ. Not only repenting of his own sins and bringing himself unto Christ; but then Enos begins to pray for his brethren, and then his enemies. That desire to faith, leads to:
3- Action.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t complacent. It’s the rock that will roll forth into all nations and to all people that was seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream long ago. It’s full of people living the Gospel of Christ and bringing life to those that don’t know what ‘real life’ is. That we can be instruments through our desires and faith that leads to follow the Living Son of God in showing those we love how to live. Even if we aren’t dating them!
Life! Life is amazing. That with a douse of water and light things can grow- physically and metaphorically speaking that is! That creatures, creations, and humankind are living. Naturally all life comes from the One that created all. That everything that is alive or that was once living is under the direction of the great and eternal God. He who is the creator of all things, and therefore He will always be very much aware of all the works that His mighty hands have made. Anything that He touches and has touched can live.
So have we been touched? And if we have- are we living?

I sure hope that I am! dah!


thorkgal said...

Isn't it funny how one question can make our minds reel? I found an old friend on FB and we are getting reacquainted and he asked a simple question, "What do you do, and what makes you happy?" ... what makes me happy?
It may be a blog when I figure it out. Ha ha

Angela said...

Hey- I love the comparison between light and water for things to grow. I've never thought about that before.

Angela said...

Okay, but what is the sheep picture?!! Is there an intended symbolism or is it just a pic you took on the streets of Jerusalem?

Lauran Miller! said...

the sheep..
Those are some sheep that I helped herd north of Jerusalem...
Good times!