Sunday, November 16, 2008


The mind is a wonderful thing. As humans we can comprehend objects, sounds, understand and communicate with other individuals and creatures. We have the power to act and execute the knowledge that we have obtained through previous experiences. Hopefully fulfilling better choices and from learning from past mistakes.

The mind 'remembers' lessons learned, experiences that have been lived; smells, sounds, sites, and emotions. Many times memories are a flooding flash back of choices that have been made and the outcomes that have been accumulated through trial and error.
Remembering is a powerful learning lesson. Repetition is the key to all learning! This is a golden trait- but can it also be a curse? Or does it depend on if we look through life with the lens of eternity?

There are things that MUST be dropped and not remembered, but what if it's not necessarily something that you would like dropped? Then is it a reoccurring theme that just drives the mind mad and causes the heart to sink or race? Reliving certain breath taking moments can be happy, sad, and pleasurable- but must one always be living in the past?
'Look to the future" - one may say, "If you don't know your past you don't know your future!"

But moving on is a difficult thing. Closing a book that you just started to really get into, one that you really wanted to read; and one that you would curiously gaze at when it was placed on a shelf--- WAY out of reach. So do you place the book back on the high shelf and then burn the ladder? Or just continue to stare at the book from afar or... plainly just stay out of the room in which the book lies within. Or do you toss the book out? Knowing that you will always wonder just what you could have done, or how you could read just a little more of the book- fully knowing that seeing the beautiful pages will strike your curiosity even more! What do would you do?

Or do you gaze at the other books that are in the library? Carefully inspecting each one...comparing it to the ultimate book that you are still so curious about? Each book is wonderful in it's own unique way... but you aren't dazzled. Do you still keep searching the library? "Look to the future!" Echoes in the mind. Remembering is good, comparing in the right mind is good- but knowing what happened in the past, we can make the future better. Someday a book will catch the attention! Just keep looking!

The best that can be done is remembering what we did: good and bad, and build off of those experiences. Loving people with our whole hearts, and giving all that we have-when we can.

1 comment:

thorkgal said...

You have a beautiful soul. You know that?
I've kept a journal for many years and when one is finished it gets put on a shelf, the ink fades, and when I look back on it I can see where I've been and where I'm going.

Great analogy.